Data models
The data models for the NOBB Export API use the same entity and attribute names as are used in other NOBB-related services. Hence, they should be familiar to users of the NOBB database.
Product group
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the group |
number | String | Number for the group. Note: A number can start with a leading 0. |
status | Object | |
subGroups | Array of ProductGroup objects | Children productGroups for the productGroup. |
unspscnr | String | United Nations Standard Products and Services Code. Only relevant for leaf nodes. |
primaryPCU | String | Primary price comparison unit for the product group |
secondaryPCU | String | Secondary price comparison unit for the product group |
active | Boolean | Only available from v2 endpoints. Indicates whether the group is active or not. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
description | String | Description for the unit |
unit | String | Unique name of the unit |
Attribute | Type | Description |
brand | String | Brand used for items in this module. |
corporateBrand | String | |
description | String | |
etimClass | String | ETIM class for the module |
internalid | String | The customer's internal module id |
manufacturerName | String | Name of the manufacturer |
manufacturerNumber | Integer | |
number | Integer | NOBB Module number. |
ownerParticipantNumber | Integer | Participant number for the supplier. |
productGroupName | String | NOBB Product group name |
productGroupNumber | String | NOBB Product group number |
status | Object | |
text | String | Name of the module |
Model name | Attribute | Type | Description |
item | bundleItems | Array of objects | Items belonging to the display or composite. Only used for Display and Composite items. |
Item | countryOfOrigin | string | Two character ISO code for country of origin |
Item | currentVolumeFactor | decimal | Factor=Cubic meters per price unit |
Item | customsEuCode | String | EU Customs code |
Item | customsNoCode | String | NO Customs code |
Item | clp | Object | CLP information on the item |
Item | dangerousGoods | Object | Dangerous goods information for the item. NOTE: Not relevant for service items. |
Item | description | String | Item description |
Item | digitalChannelText | String | |
Item | dimension | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | elNumber | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | environmentLabels | Array of string | Environmental labels for the item |
Item | etimClass | String | ETIM class for the item |
Item | finfoNumber | String | |
item | firstTimeApproved | Date | Date for first time approval of the item |
Item | hasDurabilityDate | Boolean | |
Item | hasPCU | Boolean | PCU/ Price Comparison Unit = “PrisSammenligningsEnhet”/PSE |
Item | hazardLabels | Array of string | Name for the hazard labels. |
Item | keyword | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | launchDate | Date | |
Item | lviNumber | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | manufacturerItemNumber | String | |
Item | modelName | String | |
Item | moduleNumber | Integer | |
Item | nobbNumber | Integer | |
Item | nominalVolumeFactor | Decimal | Factor=Cubic meters per price unit |
Item | nrfInfo | Object | Only available from v1 endpoints. Obsolete. |
Item | nrfNumber | Integer | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | priceComparisonUnit | String | Selected price comparison unit for the item |
Item | priceComparisonUnitFactor | Decimal | Price comparison unit factor for the item |
Item | priceUnit | String | |
Item | primaryText | String | |
item | productGroupName | String | |
Item | productGroupNumber | String | |
Item | productGroupPrimaryPCU | String | Primary price comparison unit for the product group |
Item | productGroupSecondaryPCU | String | Secondary price comparison unit for the product group |
Item | properties | Object | Properties will have three objects: "marketing", "environment" and "etim" |
Item | replacedByNobbNumber | Integer | Only available from v1 endpoints. Obsolete, use “replacesNobbNumbers” instead. |
Item | replacesNobbNumbers | Array of integers | |
Item | rskNumber | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
Item | secondaryText | String | |
Item | seriesName | String | NOTE: Not relevant for service items |
Item | stocked | Boolean | |
Item | suppliers | Array of item.supplier objects | List of suppliers for the item |
Item | tax | Object | |
Item | toleratesFrost | Boolean | |
Item | tunNumber | String | NOTE: Not relevant for service items |
Item | type | String | "Standard", "Display", "Composite", "Special" or "Service". |
Item | vvsNumber | String | Only available from v2 endpoints. |
item.bundledItem | consistsOfCount | Integer | Number of F-packs for the related item |
item.bundledItem | GTIN | String | |
item.bundledItem | nobbNumber | Integer | Nobb number for the related item |
item.clp | hazardStatementCodes | Array of string | Hazard statement codes (“H-setninger”) for the item |
item.clp | precautionaryStatementCodes | Array of string | Precautionary statement codes (“P-setninger”) for the item |
item.clp | pictogramCodes | Array of strings | Pictogram codes for the item |
Item.dangerousGoods | adrName | String | |
Item.dangerousGoods | classes | Array of objects | Danger classes information. Note: This is an array, but we will only allow one value in the array now. |
Item.dangerousGoods | number | Integer | 4 digit number |
Item.dangerousGoods | packagingGroup | String | |
Item.dangerousGoods.class | class | String | Identifier for the danger class. |
Item.dangerousGoods.class | className | String | Name of the danger class. |
item.eprel | eprelId | Integer | ID for the item in the EU EPREL Database ( |
item.eprel | energyClass | String | Energy efficiency class for the item according to the EU EREL Database. |
Item.nrfInfo | additionalText | String | |
Item.nrfInfo | dimension | String | |
Item.nrfInfo | name | String | |
Item.nrfInfo | number | Integer | |
Item.nrfInfo | productGroupNumber | String | NRF item group number |
Item.nrfInfo | supplierNumber | Integer | NRF Supplier number | | PropertyDescription | String | | | propertyGuid | String | | | propertyName | String | | | value | String | | | etimFeatureCode | String | | | etimUnitCode | String | | | etimValueCode | String | | | propertyName | String | | | unit | String | | | value | String | | | valueUpper | String | | | PropertyDescription | String | | | propertyGuid | String | | | propertyName | String | | | value | String | | | PropertyDescription | String | | | propertyGuid | String | See Overview of properties for an overview of GUIDs | | propertyName | String | | | value | String | |
Item.supplier | expiryDate | Date | |
Item.supplier | isMainSupplier | Boolean | |
item.supplier | media | Array of media objects | |
Item.supplier | name | String | Name of the supplier |
item.supplier | packages | Array of package objects | |
Item.supplier | participantNumber | String | NOBB participant number for the supplier. |
item.supplier | supplierItemNumber | String | |
item.supplier.package | availableFrom | Date | |
item.supplier.package | availableTo | Date | |
item.supplier.package | calculatedCount | Decimal | The calculated number of price units for this package |
item.supplier.package | class | String | “F-PAK” (consumer unit), “D-PAK” (trade unit), “T-PAK” (logistic unit) or “PSE-PAK” (unit for price comparison) |
item.supplier.package | consistsOfCount | Decimal | Number of “consistsOfUnit” for this package |
item.supplier.package | consistsOfUnit | String | |
item.supplier.package | deliverable | Boolean | Determines if this package can be ordered from the supplier. |
item.supplier.package | dPakLayerCount | Integer | Number of “D-PAK” (trade units) per layer. Only relevant for package of class “T-PAK” (logistic unit) |
item.supplier.package | gtin | String | |
item.supplier.package | gtinType | String | “GTIN8”, “GTIN12”, “GTIN13” or “GTIN14” |
item.supplier.package | height | Integer | Package gross height in mm. |
item.supplier.package | length | Integer | Package gross length in mm. |
item.supplier.package | width | Integer | Package gross width in mm. |
item.supplier.package | weight | Decimal | Package gross weight in kg. |
item.supplier.package | volume | Decimal | Package gross volume in m3. |
item.supplier.package | maxStackingWeight | Decimal | Max weight in kg that can be stacked on this package. Only relevant for package of class “T-PAK” (logistic unit) |
item.supplier.package | minOrderQuantity | Integer | Minimum orderable quantity of this package from the supplier. |
item.supplier.package | packageNumber | Integer | |
item.supplier.package | stocked | Boolean | Determines if the package is normally in stock at the supplier. |
item.supplier.package | unit | String | |
item.supplier.package | isPCU | Boolean | Determines if this package’s “unit” is the price comparison unit (“prissammenligningsenhet”) for the item. | | code | String | | | description | String |
Attribute | Type | Description |
currency | String | Currency for the prices. |
fromDate | String | From-date for the price |
nobbNumber | Integer | |
participantNumber | String | NOBB Participant number for the company owning the price |
price | Decimal | |
priceUnit | String | |
status | Object | |
supplierItemNumber | String | |
toDate | String | To-date for the price |
Attribute | Type | Description |
guid | String | GUID for the property. |
groupGuid | String | GUID for the property group. |
etimFeatureCode | String | Only available when the property is equivalent to an ETIM Feature. The code is a string starting with “EF” followed by 6 digits. |
names | Array of objects | Property name. Each array object contains a pair of language code and value. |
description | Array of objects | Optional property description. Each array object contains a pair of language code and value. |
measures | Array of property measure objects | |
measures.guid | String | GUID for the measure. |
measures.names | Array of objects | Measure name. Each array object contains a pair of language code and value. |
measures.unit | String | GUID for the unit. |
measures.etimUnitCode | String | Only available when the unit is equivalent to an ETIM Unit. The code is a string starting with “EU” followed by 6 digits. |
measures.dataType | String | One of the following: “Boolean”, “Decimal”, “Text”. |
measures.minValue | Decimal | Not applicable to ETIM features. |
measures.maxValue | Decimal | Not applicable to ETIM features. |
measures.interval | Boolean | True when the property values have a lower and an upper value. For ETIM features, it is true when the feature is of type Range. |
measures.maxCharacterLength | Integer | Not applicable to ETIM features. |
measures.productGroups | Array of strings | Product groups containing items which have values for the property. |
measures.predefinedValues | Array of predefined value objects | |
measures.predefinedValues.guid | String | GUID for the predefined value. |
measures.predefinedValues.etimValueCode | String | Only available when the predefined value is equivalent to an ETIM Value. The code is a string starting with “EV” followed by 6 digits. |
measures.predefinedValues.values | Array of objects | Name of the predefined value. Each array object contains a pair of language code and value. |