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Steps to create a new item

As a supplier of an item in Nobb Supplier, you can either be a main supplier or an alternative supplier. The main supplier will “own” all data related to the item, whereas the alternative supplier can manage his own copy of the item where he can set some information on the item, packages and images.

Before creating a new item, you need to identify if the item has already been registered in the supplier solution. You do this by getting item information based on GTIN number. The GTIN number is the only unique identifier outside the NOBB world for an item. When querying for an item based on GTIN, the system will try to find the NOBB number for a package based on the GTIN, and the response will be one of the following:

  • 404 Not Found: There is no item based on this GTIN. You can create the item as a main supplier.

  • 403 Forbidden: The item is found based on this GTIN, but either the item is not published yet, or you are not the owner of the item or defined as an alternative supplier for the main supplier. Contact Byggtjeneste support to be registered as an alternative supplier.

  • 200 OK: The Item is found based on this GTIN, and you are the item owner or alternative supplier for the main supplier. Will return information on the item, similar to getting item information based on NOBB number.


Create item as a main supplier

Creating a new item as a main supplier, ready to be approved, consists of several sub-processes. A prerequisite for creating an item is an approved module.

Step 1 - create the item object

The first step in the item creation process is to create the actual item, done with the following steps:

  1. POST the new item to the items endpoint. You will get an HTTP 202 (Accepted) response, with a link to the status endpoint.

  2. Poll the status endpoint at regular intervals, but not more often than once every second.

  3. Once the status endpoint returns a successful response, you will be redirected to the GET method of the items endpoint. From this, you will get the NOBB number for the item.

Step 2 - create a package for the item

In order for the item to be published, you will need at least one package. Do the following:

  1. POST the package to the packages endpoint. You will get an HTTP 202 (Accepted) response, with a link to the status endpoint.

  2. Poll the status endpoint at regular intervals, but not more often than once every second.

  3. Once the status endpoint returns a successful response, you will be redirected to the GET method of the packages. From this, you will get the NOBB ID for the package.

Step 3 - add an image for the item

In order for the item to be published, you will need an image of type PB (“Produktbilde”). Uploading and adding an image to an item is a three-step process:

  1. Upload the image binary using the images endpoint.

  2. Poll the status endpoint at regular intervals, but not more often than once every second.

  3. Set metadata on the image by PATCHing metadata to the images endpoint.

  4. Add the uploaded image to the item by POSTing to the items/{nobbno}/images endpoint.

Step 4 - create a price for the item

Most items will need to have a price defined before they can be published. Do the following:

  1. POST the price to the prices endpoint. You will get an HTTP 202 (Accepted) response, with a link to the status endpoint.

  2. Poll the status endpoint at regular intervals, but not more often than once every second.

  3. Once the status endpoint returns a successful response, you will be redirected to the GET method of the prices. From this, you will get the ID for the price.

Step 5 - send the item for approval

Once you have created all the necessary parts for the item, you can send it for approval:

  1. Send the item for approval, using the items/sendforapproval endpoint, using the NOBB number.

  2. The approval process is manual and can take a substantial amount of time. To check if the item approval process has finished, use the GET endpoint items/{nobbno} and monitor the status.status property.
    The approval has finished once the status.status is equal to "Godkjent" or "Underkjent".

  3. When status.status == "Godkjent" the Item was approved, and when status.status == "Underkjent" the item was rejected.

Create item as an alternative supplier

As an alternative supplier, you will only need to set some information on the item and related entities.

Step 1 - Set your own information on the item

Since the item already exists, you must PATCH the item with supplier-specific information. The information you can send is:

  • expiryDate

  • freightGroup

  • internalid

  • channels

Step 2- Get information about packages for the item

The next step will be to get information on the packages for the item. This can be done through the regular package GET method.

 Step 3 - Set your own information on packages

As an alternative supplier, you can set two attributes on each package for the item:

  • deliverable

  • stocked

This is done through a PATCH on each package.

Step 4- Set price(s) on the item

As an alternative supplier, you can set and get prices for the item similar to how the main supplier does it.

Step 5 - Set image(s) on the item

Similar to prices, as an alternative supplier you can get and set your own images for the item

Step 6 - Send the item to approval

Once step 1-5 is done, you must send the item to approval similar to how it is done for the main supplier.

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