2.6 Units, Packages, and Logistics
What is a unit?
Units in NOBB are used for price units and packaging. Units are defined with specific terms and are very important for using NOBB. The terms can be up to 3 characters, e.g., PAK, STK, M2 (package, piece, square meter), etc.
What is a price unit?
A price unit is the unit in which the supplier provides their prices. It is important that the supplier uses the same price unit in NOBB as on the invoice to the customer.
What is packaging?
Packaging refers to all units an item can be sold in. An item can have many packages registered, e.g., STK, ESK, PAL, etc.
All physical packages sold to the trade chain, as well as consumer packaging sold further to the end customer, must be registered as packages. It is important to register the packaging class, GTIN, dimensions, and weight of the packages.
What is a packaging class?
Packaging classes are used to indicate packaging levels. In NOBB, F-pak (consumer packaging), D-pak (retail packaging), and T-pak (transport packaging) are used. All packages in NOBB must have the packaging class filled in. The packaging class UDEF (undefined) is used for packages that cannot be defined with F-, D-, or T-class.
What is F-pak?
F-pak (consumer packaging) is the sales unit for the end customer. F-pak must have a GTIN number, dimensions, and weight filled in NOBB. F-pak can be marked as "Not orderable" if the supplier only sells D- or T-pak to the trade. An item must always have at least one orderable package with GTIN (does not apply to special items). The supplier defines what constitutes the item's F-pak. If the trade chooses to split the smallest saleable unit in-store, it is the store's responsibility to handle this.
What are Dimensions and Weight?
Dimensions and weight of packages should be provided as gross measurements, and the purpose is for use in logistics and warehouse planning. "Gross" refers to the dimensions and weight including packaging and load carriers (e.g., for pallets, the dimensions and weight of the pallet should be counted).
The units for height, length, and width are millimeters. Volume should be given in cubic meters (m³). Weight should be given in kilograms (kg).
What is Maximum stacking weight?
Maximum stacking weight is a data field that can be used for T-pak. The field is used to specify how much weight can be stacked on top of the pallet (T-pak).
What is Coverage measure and price?
For items where it is relevant with a coverage measure, price and factors should be provided in relation to the coverage measure.
What is the Minimum order quantity?
Minimum order quantity is used to specify the least amount needed when ordering, if the item only comes in F-pak packaging.