2.2 Structure and Numbering
NOBB Product group Structure
The structure is a 3-level industry standard, developed in cooperation with various industries.
It consists of a two-digit Super group, followed by a four-digit Main group where the first two digits represent the top group number. Then a 3-digit subgroup is added, resulting in a seven-digit Product group number.

The complete product group structure can be obtained under Other → Product groups in the menu in NOBB Supplier.
Use of NOBB Product group Structure
The NOBB product group structure is an essential pillar of NOBB. It is used in NOBB Contract and http://NOBB.no , in addition to being widely used by suppliers, retailers, and other actors in the construction industry.
Example Use Cases:
Categorization of items
Search functionality, e.g., in e-commerce
Basis for purchase and sales statistics
Structure for use in purchase agreements between suppliers and retailers
Retail discount matrices for end customers
Environmental reports
NOBB Product group Structure is integrated into many IT solutions used both by suppliers and retailers.
In NOBB Contract, discount agreements are linked to different levels in the NOBB product group structure, forming the basis for accurate price calculations.
Therefore, it is very important that suppliers register items in the correct NOBB product group.